Marshall is a 1.5-year-old Beagle Shepherd mix. He weighs about 35 lbs. We brought in Marshall from another rescue as a shy puppy. Marshall is great with all people and dogs. He is active but calm and would fit perfectly in the role of a family dog. Marshall will come with all the following basic commands: come, sit, down, place, heel, break, and off (the command that stops all unwanted behavior). Marshall will need further reinforcement to continue to build his confidence, as he is shy but extremely sweet! He is an escape artist, so whoever gets him will be expected to go out with him when he’s outside so that escaping is never an issue again. Marshall is a healthy, sweet boy who is just looking for his forever home!
Shalom Sanctuary is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization that serves as a sanctuary for dogs.
Our EIN is: 99-4297570. Your donations and volunteer time makes a difference! Get involved today!
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